Cost for Wedding Website · Cost to Create a Website · Wedding Invitation
Cost to create wedding website using Our Story

Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! It’s going to be a lot of work planning your wedding, checking out venues, setting up your guest list, seating plans, RSVP’s, invitations, meal plans etc. One thing that will be easy is creating a wedding website. If you chose to create a wedding website instead of sending out paper invites, this is probably the best way to save money and allow you to spend money on other things or save money for important purchases after you get married. If you know nothing about creating a website, you are also in luck because there is really nothing to know and you really can be like me, and know nothing about coding to create an amazing looking site that your guests will think you spent an arm and leg on to make. You also will not spend a lot of time on getting your site up and running because right now everything is so easy using a drag and drop system, but I get ahead of myself. Below I will detail out what you need to create a wedding website and if you use Our Story by ElegantThemes. how much it will cost you (today – Jan 2020.) Click here to see what ‘Our Story’ looks like, below is also a screenshot of it. You will need the following:

Top wedding invitation wordpress themes - Our Story
Wedding website WordPress Theme – Our Story

1. Web hosting

You need a hosting provider to store all your files and your WordPress installation. All gibberish I know but that doesn’t matter either because Blue Hosting provides full support with one click installs for WordPress so all you need to do is CLICK and your WordPress will be installed for you. Blue Host also offers a free domain name and so many more features. Click here for more reasons why Blue Host is my recommendation for hosting.

2. Wedding WordPress Theme – Our Story

Our Story is a clean and elegant WordPress Theme designed to help you create an amazing wedding website. Visual editors and real time results help you minimize the time you require to learn how to use the theme features. All you need to do is drag and drop page elements, make changes right on the page and you will see your changes. The theme comes with multiple page templates for you to customize such as how you met, wedding party, engagement photos, courtship timeline, RSVP, wedding countdown, wedding venue information, wedding date information etc and the list goes on. All this and you require no coding knowledge. Isn’t that great?? Your wedding guests will think you are a coding genius and probably get requests for you to create theirs too! LOL. Click here to see more features of Our Story by ElegantThemes.

Cost Breakdown for a Wedding Website Using ‘Our Story’

Costs are subject to change by the respective vendors and all are estimations. All costs are in USD.

Webhosting – Bluehost = $3/month = ~$36/year

WordPress Theme ‘Our Story’ = ~$89/year

So total cost for you to create your wedding website using ‘Our Story’ by ElegantThemes would be approximately $125/year.

This is so much cheaper than purchasing wedding invitations, creating an RSVP form, including a stamp and return envelope, and save on so much time. Save on time sending out the invites and receiving responses back from your guests. Most of the time your guests will probably just email you back a response anyways and there you lost the cost of the stamp you provided on the return envelope. Use Bluehost and WordPress Theme – Our Story to help you save money and create an amazing engagement and wedding story.

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